Call for Abstracts
Presentation Guidelines
- 29 December 2023 | Presenting Author Registration Deadline ( *Early Registration Rates end on 11 December 2023 for abstract presenters
- 21 February 2024 | E-Poster Presentation Submission Deadline
NOTE: All abstract presenters are required to register by the deadline in order to present their abstracts at WCA2024 and to have their abstracts published in the Anesthesia and Analgesia e-supplement.
- Prepare a 16:9 PowerPoint presentation (PPT) for your E-Poster to be displayed during the conference. Multiple slides are allowed. QR codes are allowed to be included in your E-Poster.
- Your Poster electronic file should be submitted in Adobe (PDF) file format for a better resolution on the E-Poster Viewer. The submission link will be provided to the presenting author by January 2024.
- You are expected to provide a 4-minute presentation + 2 minute questions and answers during your scheduled E-Poster presentation session. More details on the date and time will be provided in January 2024.
General Information and Presentation Information
- Oral Presentations are limited to 8 minutes (Strict 5min limit with a 1-min warning before the end + 3min questions and answers period). Slides, abstracts, and handouts cannot contain advertising, QR codes, corporate logos, trade names, or product-group messages of commercial companies.
- Prepare a 16:9 PowerPoint presentation (PPT) for your oral presentation.
- Please be in the room for your session 10 minutes before the start time of the session. The Session Chairs will start and end strictly on time.
- PowerPoint presentations should have a maximum of 8 slides (not including title and author slides)
- Presenters are strongly encouraged to use the WCA2024 presentation slide template: WCA2024 Presentation Slide
- Technical:
- Your presentation must be prepared in PowerPoint2000 or any later PowerPoint Version (MS Windows).
- Set the slide size of the page to “On-screen show” and landscape orientation in the page set-up section. (Portrait orientation will not be displayed properly).
- Formatting:
- Use high-contrast lettering, and not too much text per page (max. 5-10 lines or 15-20 words).
- Font sizes should be no smaller than size 14 or 16 for maximum visibility.
- Make sure you use high-contrast colors for the best definition of your text. Please be aware that red letters or lines are usually not visible.
- Avoid special characters: To avoid any compatibility problems, please do not use special characters (i.e. “, Ö, Ø, ñ, ?, ®, ý, }, { etc) to name your presentation files.
- Content and Organization:
- As a general rule, you should not present more than 1 slide per minute.
- Do not read the slides word for word. Visual material provides cues and images to support your verbal presentation.
- Make sure your presentation has a clear flow from introduction to conclusion. Identify key points and why they are important.
- Include take-home points. Consider which 2-3 points you want the audience to remember after your presentation.
- Less is more! Include relevant information on your slides, supplemented and explained by your verbal presentation.
- Technical:
For any questions, please contact
If you have any questions regarding a particular submission, please include the paper number in your email.