World Anaesthesia Games

What are World Anaesthesia Games?
During the Registration process you will be able to add to your Congress Registration | Fee: 100 USD
The team that developed the Serious Games held at Euroanaesthesia with the support of the European Society of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care (ESAIC) is also bringing this innovative simulation activity to WCA as the World Anaesthesia Games.
Experience the future of medical learning with the World Anaesthesia Games! Dive into a captivating realm where medical crisis management and technical skills are taught through engaging and immersive gameplay.
The World Anaesthesia Games is an innovative education platform revolutionising how we approach medical training for residents and faculty. Remember the joy and excitement of your favourite childhood games? We’ve ingeniously woven those elements into our movement to make learning effective and delightful.
World Anaesthesia Games Lead Trainers

Session Date/Time
Session 1: 4 March 2024, 14:00 – 16:00
Session 2: 5 March 2024, 08:00 – 10:00
- Ruth Shaylor, Israel
- Kate Goldstone, New Zealand
- Rodrigo Rubio, Mexico
- Zihui Tan, Singapore
All anaesthesiologists are required to have a thorough understanding of ventilation, including the best strategies and their Gone are the days of “Air goes in, Air goes out”. Given our current ventilation machines, knowledge of respiratory mechanics, ever more challenging surgeries and patients, managing patients can be quite a challenge!
Who is this Ventilation World Anaesthesia Games for? the short answer is everyone (we all breathe after all!). The long answer is this Ventilation World Anesthesia Games session is suitable for anaesthesiologists and intensivists at any stage of practice. Through the Ventilation World Anaesthesia Games you will have updates, and re-learn all aspects of care of patients requiring respiratory support. This Ventilation World Anaesthesia Games is also relevant for respiratory technicians, physiotherapists, operating department practitioners, and all who want to improve ventilation management.
Although you will have fun, the learning level is not aimed at super-experts such as fellowship trained ICU physicians, or ICU consultants who probably know all this already.
Learning objectives upon completion of this Ventilation World Anaesthesia Game, participants should be able to:
1. Design a plan of non-invasive ventilation strategies in the ICU that you can use depending on the morbidities of your patient that may assist avoid, delay or wean from invasive ventilation
2. Understand the limitations of ventilators and the challenges that may arise with ventilated patients, and you can overcome these.
3. Focus on patients with co-morbidities that pose a specific challenge for optimal ventilation strategies
4. Learn teamwork tools including crisis resource management as you learn and play together in your team of physicians of different abilities and experience
100 USD

Session Date/Time
Session 1: 4 March 2024, 10:30 – 12:30
Session 2: 6 March 2024, 10:30 – 12:30
- Carolyn Weiniger, Israel
- Carlos Delgado Upegui, United States
- Victoria Eley, Australia
- Amos Zacharia, Tanzania
Most women expect to have an uneventful course, and anaesthesiologists will be providing labor analgesia (often through epidurals) and anaesthesia for cesarean delivery. Unfortunately, everything can go wrong, very fast. Complications may occur in women with known risk factors or may occur when least expected. Rapid team decisions are needed to manage these complications.
The Obstetrics World Anaesthesia Games is designed to simulate your fun learning center so you can refresh and learn obstetric anaesthesia, team management strategies and get updates about best practice recommendations.
The World Anaesthesia Games are planned to give you tools to practically implement, for managing your patients.
As a team, you will learn and play, and every game has planned learning goals and a structured debrief at the end to reinforce the learned information.
Learning objectives for participants of the Obstetric World Anaesthesia Games:
1- Know the risk factors for preeclampsia and postpartum haemorrhage so you can anticipate and then treat obstetric patients with these serious conditions
2- Understand when ultrasound can be useful to care for your obstetric patient
3- Discuss preeclampsia risks and complications, and understand the optimal anaesthesia management plan for your obstetric patient with preeclampsia requiring anaesthesia
4- Learn teamwork tools including crisis resource management as you learn and play together in your team of physiciansof different abilities and experience
100 USD

Session Date/Time
Session 1: 6 March 2024, 08:15 – 10:15
Session 2: 6 March 2024, 13:30 – 15:30
Session 3: 6 March 2024, 15:45 – 17:45
- Yitzhak (Isaac) Brzezinski Sinai, Israel
- Bistra Vlassakova, United States
- Shin Yuet Chong, Singapore
- Maria Alejandra Echeto, Honduras
Get ready, everyone! The “World Anaesthesia Games” are here to take you on an exciting adventure through the ups and downs of looking after children in a perioperative environment.
Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve had lots of experience as an anaesthesiologist, World Anaesthesia Games is your chance to polish your skills and face the challenges that come with managing anaesthesia for tonsillectomy – a very common surgery for kids.
Even if you are not a specialist, you will likely come across this procedure. Do you know the updated fasting guidelines, what to do if your paediatric patient has a cold, and how to manage Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)?
Dive into the World Anaesthesia Games – your path to becoming an expert in paediatric anaesthesia
Learning Objectives upon completion of this Paediatrics World Anaesthesia Game, participants should be able to:
1 – Compute precise fluid evaluations and ascertain the scale of haemorrhage in paediatric patients utilising the “World Anaesthesia Games” module.
2 – Acquire knowledge of the contemporary version of perioperative fasting guidelines and comprehend their specific applicability to the paediatric population.
3 – Execute proficient preoperative assessments in paediatric patients exhibiting Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).
4 – Explore the application of capnography in non-operating room anesthesia to enhance patient safety, a pivotal tool in modern anaesthetic practice.
5 – Employ crisis resource management techniques and strategize for productive collaboration within multidisciplinary teams in a dynamic and engaging learning environment.
100 USD

WCA2024 will offer a range of workshops throughout the conference. Click below for more information.

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See what’s in store for you at WCA2024. Our Scientific Programme is now available for download.